Ab-Anbar is pleased to present the exhibition «Mahmoud Bakhshi and Arash Hanaei Solo Exhibition» by Mahmoud Bakhshi and Arash Hanaei.


Mahmoud Bakhshi deals with a visual aesthetic that developed in Iran in the aftermath of the Revolution of 1979. He reflects on the recent history of Iran through a recontextualisation of the official symbolism of the propaganda art of Iran, and uses deeper historical and traditional formal references to ground this recent history within the larger context of Iranian identity.

The concern of the «Capital» series by Arash Hanaei comes from Capital.
He used walls, billboards and any object that injects the subjectivity to the town.
As a citizen- photographer he suspends us in a world between negative and positive. He expands and mutates the media of photography and with the contemporary modernity comes to digital design. His art from 2008 to 2016 is going beyond the photography, omit the object and reaching the meaning of the subject.
Everything has been changed, summarized and even omitted in front of his visor except house of dead.

The minimalism of his art gives a new meaning to the path from reality to absurdity around us.

In this series Hanaei makes us to see the tangible imaginary city of our own through the “intangible” changes in a real city. Capital do not exist but being shaped all-time.