Ab-Anbar Gallery is pleased to present the showcase of artworks by Majid Fathizadeh. Born in 1977, in Zahedan, Iran, he receives both his BA in Painting, in 2003, and MA in Illustration, in 2007, from Tehran University of Fine Arts. Disorder, his second solo exhibition at Ab-Anbar Gallery, consists of a series of his most recent paintings.


In a piece, Geometry of Illusion, written on his recent paintings, Dariush Kiaras describes,” His paintings have crossed several borders, at times we can see some of the features of Romanticism in his works, at others characteristics of works within the two fronts of Classicism and Neofigurative; with the former he creates spaces and through the latter he draws his “figures” on a canvas. He attempts to work with peculiar creatures, the ones which were not formerly experienced, and he often creates his figures among dusks, clouds, hills and fields. People in his paintings are striving to tackle solitude; masses of people with absolute clarity, though lacking clear and accurate faces, people who do not have clear faces and whose levels of emotion cannot be perceived. His brush strokes alter due to the geographical location of each piece and as soon as coming up with landscapes bereft of people, he goes back to the principles of drawing.“


Further in the piece, Kiaras continues, ”Notwithstanding the atmosphere of his works, which at times even takes us back to 19th century painters, his figures are devoid of human emotion, which is of quite significance among 19th century paintings. He prudently misleads our eyes. He presents us with fake subjectivity and makes the endeavour so that we, as the audience, contextualize his works within the history of art, although pretty soon we perceive that we have got it wrong: Fathizadeh’s paintings are set here. He works in cities and with people in the fringes of societies: the abandoned and castaways, with people who murmur with ambiguous voices, incomplete and sometimes eerie creatures.”